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‚ô• i'm not alone... there's always the pond with me
Sunday, February 1, 2009 ‚ô•

the pond speaks @ 9:48 PM.

During the holidays, my family and I went out to eat at this steamboat and BBQ restaurant. It was pretty good and we had a steamboat and BBQ buffet. Surprisingly, there was also a 'Fireman' show where a guy entertains the diners with a fire show. I could say it was pretty HOT. :P
Calling out volunteers is also part of the act. Knowing my brother to be ridiculously brave, he volunteered himself.

Enjoy the video! (Sorry, I couldn't upload it upright because I don't have the software to rotate phone videos)

Monday, November 24, 2008 ‚ô•

the pond speaks @ 3:48 AM.

From left: Esther, Amanda, Bethany, Shelley and Lydia

Esther, Shelley and Bethany posing in Sri Cempaka Cheras's North Hall (Gallery) after watching this year's West Side Story.

Shizu and Bethany having their a delicious spaghetti dinner while surfing the internet.

Just two weeks of dance workshop during the holidays. One week of working and helping out 
and the other joining in the workshop. To top it off, we had a grand finale concert that involved lots of practice and practice and ...... More practice!
Haha, but I'm used to it so......
Welcome to my other life!

Tonight, I'm taking a break from one of the dance courses because I deserve a rest, of course. :P
So, I'm using the time to finally update my blog for all the lovely people who are reading this.


The first week wasn't that exciting except that I got to meet all the professional American dancers from US first and there were all really nice and excited because it was their first time in Malaysia. I managed to remember all their names by heart: Esther, Amanda, Bethany, Lydia, Shelley and Shizu. Oh, and let's not forget Mr. Steven, the group's manager and leader.

They came to give a dance workshop which was held in Sri Cempaka Cheras. The response was pretty good and a lot of people wanted to take part in this workshop. Some dancers overseas also wanted to come to Malaysia to attend the workshop! Unfortunately, the places were already filled up. Besides that, the American dancers gave a performance at KLPac in Sentul.
I saw them perform and it's hard to say how awesome they looked on stage....... so professional!

I was also the lucky one since my mum was their host. I got to spend every single second with these professional dancers to get to know them better. However, for a shy person like me it was quite a challenge. I went wherever they went, I ate whatever they ate and I was involved in whatever they were involved. Lucky me......

 26th of November would be the last day for all the workshops are done, then we can get to do some serious fun and go SHOPPING with them!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 ‚ô•

the pond speaks @ 12:04 AM.

Really Anything Goes...
Who could have thought of a name like that including what comes with it? RAG Day was something new that Dr.Rizal decided to come up with to entertain our few dreary days left in school.
RAG Day was held today for the national students to take a turn in doing the teaching. The students were required to teach their best skills to others in order to share their talent in a way. There were many courses like learning how to play the guitar, learning the hemlick maneuver (I don't think it's spelled correctly), how to beat box? and many more. So, on RAG Day, I decided to be more active than usual and start teaching others my talent for dancing. 
Unsurprisingly, not many people knew that I could dance and were amazed to know that I would be instructing a course. My mum herself volunteered to help me by being a guest speaker and supporter. I love my mum, she's so active!
Anyway, so according to my list, many people signed up for my course but only half the number showed up. No surprises there......
It wasn't so bad in the beginning, my mum talked about dance and taught a few basic warm ups. Then, I started with some intermediate dancing and some stunts. I don't want to go into details but it was quite funny seeing everyone trying to do the stunts. Some were fast learners and were soon pros in the basic dance steps I showed them.
Anyway, I hope everyone had fun! :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008 ‚ô•

the pond speaks @ 10:54 PM.

Almost there......
Almost that time of the year.......
I can feel it getting closer.......
What would a long battle of survival through the year be without a little extra obstacles on the way, right?

First of all, we need to have the patience to get through each day.....Monday.......Tuesday......Wednesday.......Thursday.......Friday.........Sat...nah, you can start relaxing on Saturday....

Anyway, Obstacle 1: Patience in getting through the boring days in school

Obstacle 2: What to do before the holidays

Our school will definitely have their year end spring cleaning where books must be cleared from the lockers, floors cleaned, windows wiped, tables shined?, etc......

The most tiring job is to clear the lockers because we normally chuck our books in it and make a huge mess before quickly making our way to class. Normally, we will find our lockers in a huge mess especially after final examinations are over. Some lockers have the most unusual things in them like unknown books, moldy food, half-dried paint sets, eye balls? Ha ha, kidding! :) It is bothersome to carry all our thick heavy books home from school if you know what I mean...

Last but not least, there is Obstacle 3 which would be the worst obstacle of all obstacle for some: Report Card Day.
(Singing in a "You're so doom" way) Dum, dum, dum......
"The parents are coming, the parents are coming!" the prefects would say before the whole thing starts. Sometimes, there would be heated discussions heard between parents and tutor. I pity the tutor if the fault is the students and the parents are trying to cover it up. At that time, you can see many different expressions on each student's face: happy, excited, sad, frustrated, confused, bothered......

Anyway, if those of you who survive everything and have read this blog post, I have to say you are one very very lucky person! Happy Holiday! :P

Sunday, November 2, 2008 ‚ô•

the pond speaks @ 10:00 PM.

Her bones were shattered and crushed into a million pieces. Her face was scraped on the brick wall until it was bloody and distorted. Nobody really noticed her body was slumped in the cold dark alley until twilight. It was a sad and gut-wrenching sight......
According to police reports, the victim was a high class lady who had runaway from her family at the age of 17. She was running away from her troubles, her troubles of family, friends, relationship and of being called a liar and a cheater. She was very pretty with a gorgeous body and good raw talent of dancing. She seem like a nice girl but she can be a bit snobby, bitchy and bossy. 
She had a knack with getting away with things, squirming her way out of trouble from her teachers, friends and peers. She had a sharp tongue which caused her bad name to spread around school. Her mouth was her best tool to bewitch people, turning her liars to truths and confusing those who confronted her. She was also known in bringing trouble upon herself. However, the damage was already done and the news of her attitude spread like wildfire. She only had a few loyal friends left who still blindly believed that she was innocent and felt that everything the others said were rumours.
She became quite successful stepping on others along the way as she climb the society ladder. She was involved in a very important business industry and was doing a good job with the help of her talented mouth.
Unfortunately, she had made her own secret deals. She cheated on her own colleagues by doing double dealings with their opponent company. She lied through her way, she caused chaos and confusion. She got herself fired and lost almost everything including her self respect and dignity.
On her way home, she was gang raped by a group of people whom she had been cooperating with for the downfall of her own business company. She screamed but nobody could hear her, those walking by didn't care of this nobody and trouble maker. She let out her last gasp of breath, knowing that she had brought this upon herself, wishing that she had changed, that she had turned over a new leaf......
I know this is a sad story but you gotta know that it's dangerous world out there and one little slip can kill you.... Beware :O

Tuesday, October 28, 2008 ‚ô•

the pond speaks @ 6:09 PM.

I don't really mind doing PEKA reports. It's kinda fun when you carry out the experiment and it works to your expectations. I like to see how the mixture in my beaker bubbles and the magic of science showing amazing reactions to me. I like Chemistry PEKA best because it is the most exciting and interesting. The experiments are more effective and the products are clearly visible. 
I don't mind Biology PEKA too because it's fun. There was one experiment where we had to find the energy value of a food sample. So, we set up all the apparatus and burned the bread. It was in flames and it was so cool! It was burning in this massive fire ball when we put it under the the test tube to calculate the energy value. Check out the picture of Wen Wu, he was with another group so his flame wasn't as massive as ours. Unfortunately, we came out of the lab smelling like burned fish and smoke.....hehe :)
The PEKA report I dislike is Physic because the teacher makes us do it again and again and again and again..... well you get the idea......
Anyway, I love doing PEKA experiments but doing it again and again drives me crazy! Tell me, who likes to do something again and again even if it is a little itty bit not so perfect? The teacher is too much of a perfectionist until the results of the PEKA report must be exactly the same as the answer scheme. Then, when we think we're finally done and our report can be passed up, the teacher will say 'Oh, I forgot to mention something class.......'
And all of us will say "Oh man! Not Again!"
Darn, doing PEKA experiment with this teacher is not an easy thing to do........

Friday, October 24, 2008 ‚ô•

the pond speaks @ 12:10 AM.

Last night, the prefects of Sri Cempaka Cheras had their Leadership Night in the North Hall. The profects (prefects undergoing probation) were going to be finally installed to the board. This was their night to show their best, to be the best and to strut their stuff under the lime light. It seem to be going past so fast to the prefects. We started greeting the guest having fun and pride towards the profects that time started flying. Next thing we knew, Datin Freida finished her speech and we were having group photos before we officially ended the ceremony.

I have to say that I was really proud of all of them when I saw them on stage wearing their new prefect ties and with a shiny collar pin on their blazers.

It was late when we finished and unfortunately we had school in the morning. So, today all of the prefect were pretty tired...... Half asleep in some classes, I somehow managed to get through the day with some breaks and movie intervals.

It was quite tiring this whole week actually.... Haha, wish this year was not so cramp! 

‚ô• simply me- carefree'~

Catherine Yew Lin Yen Likes
Making new friends, western and italian food, sports, reading books......
Sri Cempaka Cheras

visited, viewing.
since March.

‚ô• whisper hushly

‚ô• i want that lily

i want these
to meet new people
a cleaner and friendlier world
lots of sweets and chocolates
my friends to regularly check out my blog!

‚ô• sail away in the lily

Wen Wu Wong Voon Fei Goh Ee Von Bernard Sam :P Joshua Lam Jasmine Zhi Wei Harpreet Phoebe Syazana Danisha Wong Chi Qin Li Peng Yuki Shuk Khuan Scott Huay Jien Janice Khong Fwu Jiann Meng Priya Ju Ann Andrea Kiet-e

‚ô• it's all over

March 2008 | April 2008 | June 2008 | July 2008 | August 2008 | September 2008 | October 2008 | November 2008 | February 2009 |

‚ô• underwater

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Background: wallcoo